Sunday 24 August 2008

Ed Mcmahon - Mcmahon Finds Buyer For Home

TV star ED MCMAHON has seen off the threat of foreclosure and found a buyer for his Beverly Hills, California mansion.

The early Tonight Show sidekick was reportedly liner up a deal to sell the $5.75million (GBP2.9million) six-bedroom home to Apprentice star Donald Trump.

Now he has shut the sale - merely revealed holding developer Trump will non be the new owner.

The buyer of the business firm has non been revealed, but MCMahon's spokesman Howard Bragman says, "It's a confidential deal, and the buyer wants anonymity, only I can tell you it is not Mr Trump - and it's not (Republican presidential candidate) John MCCain."

MCMahon had owned the home for 30 days but faced the threat of foreclosure after his mortgage lenders filed notice of default in February (08).

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